South Regional Forum - Structure Review Proposal

06/15/2024 10:00 to 06/15/2024 17:00

Área 10

Presentation and Debate on the Structure Revision Proposal

The General Service Board invites all Group members of Area 10 to attend the Forum on the Structure of Alcoholics Anonymous in Portugal, which will be held on June 15, 2024, at Escola Júlio Dantas, Rua  da Escola Secundária, in Lagos.

We would like to ask for everyone's understanding that we are only sending this invitation on this date, due to various factors beyond our control.

However, we believe it is important that these Forums take place on schedule and with the presence and participation of all of us.

Morning -      10H:00 às 12H:00
Lunch -           12H:00 às 14H:00
Afternoon -   14H:00 às 17H:00

As for the purpose of this Forum:

As we informed you when we sent out the information that came out of our last General Service Conference, four Forums were going to be held during June, one in the North of the country, one in the Center, one in the South and one online where the online groups and Madeira and Azores Groups are included.

The aim of these Forums is for the whole Fellowship to get involved and participate in an informed and responsible way in the adjustment and adaptation of the Structure of Alcoholics Anonymous in Portugal to the current reality, which has been analyzed by a Working Group created for this purpose, whose Interim Report was presented at the last Conference.

We therefore cal on you all to be present and also to learn about the contents of the Working Group's Interim Report, as well as its addendum, so that everyone is properly informed about the issues that will be addressed in order to enable a greater involvement and participation.

In Gratitude

General Service Board


Área 10
Escola Júlio Dantas
    Rua da Escola Secundária
    Lagos 8600-315


06/15/2024 10:00
06/15/2024 17:00