Stepping Stones Virtual Visit
09/17/2022 20:30 to 09/17/2022 23:30
A visit to Stepping Stones, historic house of Alcoholics Anonymous co-fouder Bill Wilson (Bill W.) and his wife, co-ounder of Al-Anon/Alateen, Lois Wilson (Lois W.), in Bedford Hills, New York, will take place on september 17 2022 at the following link:
This presentation will be held in english, by the Stepping Stones Foundation who holds the rights and organize the tours and presentations, and will have simultaneous translation to portuguese by an AA Portugal member.
This event may not be recorded by any means,
In order to help with presentation costs, each member is asked to contribute with € 2,00.
For further information please reach us on 217 167 840 or by